At TMTR , we have evolved a suite of courses targeted at providing enhanced capacity for media and knowledge industry practitioners.
Some of the modules include:
The Cybercrime Act and the Media Practitioner: Understanding the legal minefield

News reporting in the age of social media: what has changed?
•Business Communication A-Z
•Fake News: A case for Ethics and Professionalism in the Nigerian Media

•Business in the New Normal
•7 Deadly Sins of Nigerian Writing

•Crisis management primer for PR practitioners
•Crisis management in the age of New Media

•Copy Writing 101 Oil and Gas 101: reporting the Nigerian oil and gas industry
•Essentials of Reporting Banking and Finance

•Effective business writing course
•From the news room to the corner office
•Rethinking faithbased journalism during Covid-19 and beyond

•Financial reporting under the new normal
•From Tweet dreams to online nightmares

•Harnessing New Media as a Critical Tool For Governance and Social Engineering
•Media communication and engagement in the age of Social Media
•Media Relations – Writing Press Releases